Friday, November 4, 2011

Garden Project Done

Job well done! After several weeks working with volunteers on this organic garden project, last October 10, 2011, the project came to an end and with it, the growing season.
Our winter rye seeds were emerging from our garden bringing the nutrients to the soil,  needed for the next season.
 Garden Highlights

One afternoon after harvesting in the garden, Chelsea a garden friend of 7 years old, surprised me with a succulent salad that she made. In the midst of our overwhelming tasks of moving out, that salad for supper was a nice gift. My husband added some garlic. Gracias, Chelsea!
The following pictures of the sweet pepper harvested shows the stage of different ways can be used: Stuffed Hot Pepper (Rocoto Relleno), a traditional dish from Arequipa, Peru. I added some spicy cayenne to get the taste. 

Stuffed Hot Pepper ( Rocoto Relleno)
Children and adults are encouraged to save seeds. After picking the dried flowers, we collected all the good seeds then saved them in our "bank seeds" for the next growing season.
Another great saving was our budget at home, almost 80% of our meals came from our own garden. My husband and I belong to the nearby Canillas Community Garden in Lebanon, NH.
Special thanks to our VT Master Gardener State Coordinator, Nancy Hulett and Trish Kargman, Support Member, Tina Barney, Master Gardener for all the help that I received during this time.

I am currently in Peru spending some weeks there, looking for people who might be interested to learn how to garden organic and healthy vegetables. 

Coralia Picardo
Garden Project Leader