Thursday, April 15, 2010

Garlic Seedlings - Time to Check Them

These were taken on April 5, my birthday. My first time trying garlic in the New England zone of the USA [Northeast]

Here is the story of planting garlic in this area. Seed must be planted in advance I stared them early in November 2009. After assisting the “Art in Bloom Program” with Charlie Nardozzi a Charlie is well known as is said in his website:
Public speaker, TV show host
Radio show host, Book author and free lance web and print writer, Garden coach, Voice over artist.

I had the chance to speak with him regarding the ‘secrets of planting garlic’ here. He gave a quick orientation about planting and mulching [5” thick] to keep them safe from winter.  

Lettuce a mix of seeds.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Seedlings - The New Babies

After almost concluding my Master Gardening course in the UVM Extension Master Gardener [University of Vermont], the idea of doing gardening it is a serious task in order to get the healthiest harvest avoiding diseases with care knowing what is better and correct for the plants.
Sweet Basil seeds coming up from the soil

Sweet Basil and in older version.

So, here I am applying what I have read, learned, listened to. Starting the 2010 garden excitement!

Checking every day how things are going, here is what I have after almost a months, they are ready to be transplanted. I have controlled the right light, temperature and water. My place has no enough light but I improved some artificial light [growing light]. Now it is time for a ‘new home’ with different soil. I mixed half of growing seed soil and the normal one plus some fish emulsion. I must treat them with so much care!!

 My adorable Sun Gold Tomatoes

 Hot peppers! Since I planted mixed seeds, it is good to wait and see what varieties will grow in your garden. They look happy, healthy, colorful so far...

Snapdragon seedlings. Same with them... I just will wait which color I will get once they are in the garden.