I drove from Lebanon, NH to Essex Jct VT (1.45 hr approx). I was glad that it didn't snow that day! But the ice started to melt. The parking lot was muddy.
On Saturday, March 6 was the day for me to volunteer in the Family Activity room inside the Champlain Valley Exposition (CVE)located on Rt. 15.What is the Vermont Flower Show?
Green Works Vermont Nursery & Landscape Association organizes the Annual Flower Show. Green Works is a non-profit state-wide organization made up of garden centers, greenhouses, landscapers, landscape designers, nurseries, arborists, plant maintenance experts, among others.
Green Works presented the 15th Vermont Flower Show "Sweet Dreams" on March 5,6 & 7 offering colorful spring days with free seminars where people could find a special room for hands-on activities for children and scheduled performers for entertainment, also the cooking from the garden demonstrations were held there.
Family and Activity Room
Cheff Kerri Bouffard's demonstration graduated from New England Culinary Institute
Me, preparing the paper bag crowns for the children
There were around 80 vendors displaying their businesses among them was the UWM Master Gardener's spot.
I really had a good time interacting with the long line of children who were eager to pick their paper crown to decorate them with a bunch of plastic flowers. Lots of fun!
Thank you to Shari Johnson who helped me with this volunteer opportunity.
Thank you to Shari Johnson who helped me with this volunteer opportunity.